Black Canadian Business/Entrepreneurs Directory
Excel Family & Youth Society Wants Your Business to succeed!
ADVERTISE in the Excel Family & Youth Society Business & Community Directory.
​Being featured in our directory will support your business's growth by connecting you with EFYS's network of over 15,000 followers across various social channels.
​How can you benefit from Advertising with us?
You gain access to an affordable way to promote your products and services to a loyal customer base.
You will market to consumers who are looking for businesses they can rely on and trust.
You will be building a community within our Family.
You can network with other Black Canadian businesses and entrepreneurs.
You will be investing directly in the Black Canadian entrepreneur ecosystem.
Socially Driven Business Directory Features:
Hassle-free registration… takes only 5 minutes.
Easy-to-create advertisements: Have a professional create your advertisement or you can build it right on the Ad Builder website.
Costs are 20% to 400% below other sources, with NO added costs for online directory listing.
Featured businesses are prominently displayed online and on Facebook.
Social sharing of the directory and posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social platforms increase exposure.
The digital directory is easily distributed to your email lists