Family Support
With a focus on building stable and healthy family relationships, we provide mentoring programs, workshops, and seminars for parents, children, and youth in anger management, conflict resolution, and effective communication.
Domestic Violence: ቤተሰባዊ አደጋ አስከታይ ሁከትን የመከላከል አገልግሎት We provide education and support to prevent families and youth from domestic violence and crime. We also provide workshops and outreach programs to those affected by family violence and crime.
Youth Effectiveness Program
We educate and assist youths to build and enhance their self-image and social skills, and guide them. We provide leadership training and workshops in this program. We have a dedicated Youth Team that is assisting and working to provide education and support by creating an inclusive environment. Under this program we:
Provide academic, social and recreational programming for youth;
Help youth to develop capacity to be future leaders and role models within the community;
Create strong and positive youth voices that are able to engage in various community development initiatives, act as change agents and support their newly arrived peers to Canada.
Newcomers Support
With a focus on newcomer families from Ethiopia and Eritrea, we provide education, counseling, and other support services to help ease the process of settling in Canada.
Our immigration support services include language instruction, translation services, job search support, and information provision on Canadian culture and living. By helping newcomers understand the Canadian lifestyle, education, financial, and banking system, they grow confidently into valued members of our Canadian society.

Basic Computer Skills For Newcomers
Excel Family & Youth Society's basic computer training course:
Both our Level 1 basic computer course and the Level 2 intermediate computer course are a 28 hours/6 weeks program each.
The courses cover:
Computer basics
Social Media and security
Email usage
Microsoft basics
Search engine and job posting
Writing and editing on word application
Parking available and for free at our Calgary location
Financial Empowerment Services
Excel Family & Youth Society understands that arriving to a new country is filled with challenges. Our goal is to make our community members’ financially independent and protect them from poverty.
We provide workshops on Canadian Banking to help newcomers, as well as our community members, transition easier by providing trusted advice and resources to help them get off to a great start.
This service will be supported by the Ethiopian and Eritrean financial community council.
Our financial workshops cover:
Canadian Banking 101
Building a strong Canadian Credit History.
Manage and grow a small business.
Parental Support
We have Culturally Sensitive Parental Support Program, which help parents to focus on building stable and healthy family relationships through the provisioning of mentoring programs, workshops & seminars for parents, children, and youth in areas such as anger management, conflict resolution, employment, effective communication, and outreach programs to those affected by family violence.

Sign Up for Our Programs
Please select the program you would like to sign up for in the drop down menu. Provide your email address and a best way to contact you.
Testimonials from Our Volunteers and Students

Service Request Application
Excel Family & Youth Society offers various services for individuals, families and communities. Our services include:
Seminar requests from faith-based organizations or communities
Presentations on personal finances, parental support, and how to start and grow small businesses
Individual Counseling:
Job search counseling
Family conflict resolution
Marriage and parental counseling