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Membership and Signup
Membership Fees
IMPORTANT: All donations/payments are processed using Paypal. If you do not have a Paypal account, please select "Pay by credit or visa debit"
IF you prefer to use e-transfer you can transfer funds to: or if you prefer direct deposit to our Bank of Montreal account you can use our Bank account number 001-06769-8979 495
Thank you for signing up!
To be approved, fees must be paid with your form submission as follows:
* Individual memberships ($35 per year) or
* Business Registration ($100)
Please select the appropriate option below, after which you will receive a tax receipt.
Quick Donation
$35.00 per Year
Donation (Business Advertisement)
$100.00 now
One-Time Donation
$200.00 now
One-Time Donation
$200.00 now
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